Cherry wood: the insider tip for unique pieces of furniture

Cherry wood is a versatile material that is widely used in furniture manufacturing. When choosing the right wood for furniture, the choice of material plays a decisive role. Cherry wood is a popular choice for high-quality and durable furniture. We will look at the special features of cherry wood and show you why it is an excellent choice for furniture.

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Cherry tree

Domestic cherry wood is not only environmentally friendly, but also aesthetically pleasing: it is easy to work with, has an attractive colour and a fine grain. Ideal for fine woodturning, furniture or instrument making, cherry wood is characterised by a silky sheen.

The wild cherry with its bright spring blossoms is the ancestor of today’s sweet cherry, whose dark red fruits sweeten the summer.

Products made from local cherry wood have a fine grain, a reddish colour and a warm appearance. It is fine-pored, hard and tough and retains its shape after slow drying.

Cherry wood has been popular since the 17th century and combines a cosy atmosphere with an elegant look. It is ideal for fine board games, high-quality kitchen accessories and handcrafted wood-turned items such as bowls and wooden spoons. Timelessly beautiful, cherry wood outlasts every fashion.


Overview of cherry wood:

  • Cherry wood is an insider tip for unique pieces of furniture.
  • Cherry wood has special properties that make it particularly suitable for furniture.
  • Cherry wood is available in various colours and grains.
  • Cherry wood is a trend in the furniture industry.
  • Cherry wood furniture should be cared for and cleaned regularly.

The special features of cherry wood

Cherry wood is characterised by its unique properties, which make it a popular choice for furniture. The wood has a beautiful grain and texture that gives it a natural charm. The grain can vary depending on growing conditions and ranges from straight lines to vivid swirls and patterns.

In addition, cherry wood is also very durable and strong. It has a high density, which means it is resistant to scratches and wear. This makes it ideal for heavy-duty pieces of furniture such as tables or chairs.

Why cherry wood is particularly suitable for furniture

There are several advantages to using cherry wood for furniture. One of these is its resistance to warping and shrinking, which means that the furniture can retain its shape over a long period of time.

Another advantage of cherry wood furniture is its ability to develop a beautiful patina (surface) over time. The wood gradually darkens and takes on a warm, reddish colour. This gives the furniture a timeless charm and makes it an eye-catcher in any room.

The different colours and grains of cherry wood

Cherry wood has natural colour variations that can range from a pale pink to a deep red. These variations depend on factors such as the age of the tree and the growing conditions.

The beauty of cherry wood furniture can be further enhanced by various surface treatments. An oiled finish emphasises the natural grain of the wood, while a lacquered finish gives a smooth and glossy look.

There are also many examples of cherry wood furniture with unique grain patterns. From gentle waves to eye-catching swirls, the grain of the wood can turn any piece of furniture into a personalised work of art.


Cherry wood in the furniture industry: trends and developments

Cherry wood furniture is currently enjoying great popularity in the furniture industry. Many people appreciate the natural beauty of this wood and its durability.

Innovative designers are utilising cherry wood in a variety of ways in their designs. From modern minimalist pieces to rustic furniture, there is a wide variety of styles and designs that can be realised with cherry wood.

The future of cherry wood in the furniture industry looks promising. Due to its sustainability and unique properties, it is expected to remain a popular choice for high-quality furniture.

Tips for the care and cleaning of cherry wood furniture

Appropriate care and maintenance is required to preserve the beauty of cherry wood furniture. It is recommended to regularly remove dust and wipe the wood with a soft cloth.

Mild soap solutions can be used for cleaning, but care should be taken not to allow excessive moisture to reach the wood. It is also important to protect the wood from direct sunlight or heat sources to avoid discolouration or cracking.

Cherry wood as a sustainable alternative to other types of wood

Cherry wood also offers environmental benefits compared to other types of wood. It is a rapidly renewable material that is grown using sustainable forestry practices.

Compared to exotic woods such as mahogany or teak, cherry wood is a more environmentally friendly choice for furniture. By purchasing furniture made from local cherry wood, consumers can help reduce the depletion of natural resources.



Cherry wood furniture is an excellent choice for people who are looking for durable and unique pieces of furniture. The wood has many special properties such as its beautiful grain, durability and resistance to warping.

In addition, cherry wood is also a more sustainable alternative to other types of wood in furniture manufacturing. By purchasing cherry wood furniture, consumers can contribute to the conservation of natural resources.

Overall, cherry wood offers a variety of benefits for the production of high-quality furniture. With its timeless beauty and durability, it is sure to continue to be a popular material in the furniture industry.


What is cherry wood?

Cherry wood is the wood of the cherry tree, which is valued for its beautiful grain and colour. It is a hardwood and has a high density, which makes it very durable.

What are the properties of cherry wood?

Cherry wood is very hard and dense, which makes it very resistant to wear and damage. It has a beautiful grain and colour, ranging from reddish-brown to dark brown. It is also very stable and has a high load-bearing capacity.

What is cherry wood used for?

Cherry wood is often used to make furniture, cabinets, doors, parquet flooring and musical instruments. It is also used for carving and woodturning.

How do you care for cherry wood?

Cherry wood should be wiped regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. It should also be protected from direct sunlight and moisture. A special wood care product can also be used for maintenance.

What are the advantages of cherry wood?

Cherry wood is very durable and resistant to wear and damage. It has a beautiful grain and colour, which makes it an attractive material for furniture and other items. It is also very stable and has a high load-bearing capacity.

What are the disadvantages of cherry wood?

Cherry wood is relatively expensive compared to other types of wood. It can also be difficult to find high quality cherry wood, as it is not as common as other types of wood.

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