International Day of the Forest

Forests cover about a third of the world’s land area and are vital for the conservation of biodiversity, as they are home to more than half of all terrestrial species. They also play a crucial role in the fight against climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen. In addition, forests provide important ecosystem services such as water conservation, soil conservation and improvement, and mitigation of natural disasters such as floods and avalanches.

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March 21

The International Day of Forests takes place on March 21 and serves to raise awareness of these crucial functions and encourage people around the world to take action to protect and sustainably use our forests. Each year, the day focuses on a specific theme that highlights current challenges and opportunities in forest conservation and management.

International Day of Forests events include educational programs in schools, tree planting activities, photo contests and seminars on sustainable forest management. These activities provide an opportunity for people of all ages to learn more about the importance of forests and actively participate in their protection.

By celebrating the International Day of Forests, we are not only recognizing the invaluable importance of forests, but also committing to their conservation and sustainable use so that future generations can benefit from them as well.

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