About us


Welcome to MeinWood, where wood is not just a material, but a passion. As keen craftsmen, we pride ourselves on creating works of art that not only beautify your rooms, but also tell many stories. Immerse yourself in our world of wood and discover the unique craftsmanship behind every single piece.

Wooden jewellery

Creative woodwork


Inspiration and craftsmanship flow seamlessly together in our creative process at MeinWood. Each piece of woodwork begins with an idea, brought to life by the natural characteristics of the wood. We are guided by the beauty of nature and the unique characteristics of each piece of wood as we lovingly craft and mould it. Our passion for craftsmanship and unwavering dedication to quality results in works of art that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also tell a story.

„To dwellers in a wood, almost every species of tree has its voice as well as its feature.“

- Thomas Hardy

Wood art

In the modern lifestyle, the use of wood is enjoying growing popularity, which is not only due to aesthetics, but also to sustainability and awareness of the environment. More and more people, especially the younger generation, appreciate the natural beauty and warmth of wood in their living and working spaces. It is not just a trend, but an expression of their commitment to a sustainable way of life and their appreciation of handmade, high-quality products.

Lifestyle Nature


The modern lifestyle with wood offers a connection to nature in an increasingly digitalised world. From minimalist furniture to ornate decorative pieces, people are incorporating wood into their daily lives to create a harmonious balance between technology and nature. This trend reflects a longing for authenticity and connection with the environment, while supporting a stylish and contemporary lifestyle.

Wood in the now

The importance of using sustainable wood is constantly increasing as people become more aware of the environmental impact of using unsustainable building materials. Compared to other materials, wood has the advantage of being a renewable and biodegradable resource. By selecting wood from sustainably managed forests, we actively contribute to the protection of tree populations and support responsible forestry.


In contrast to non-renewable building materials such as concrete or steel, wood has a significantly lower carbon footprint, particularly during production and processing. In addition, wood binds CO2 during its growth and only releases it when it rots or is burnt, making an important contribution to climate protection. The increasing demand for sustainable wood shows the growing trend towards environmentally friendly building materials and emphasises the importance of conscious use of our resources.

Work of art wood

Experience design in a new way

The aesthetics of wood in art are unrivalled, as it radiates a natural beauty and warmth that creates an inviting atmosphere in any room. Wood can be worked in a variety of ways, from fine carvings to rustic finishes. Wood offers artists endless possibilities for creative expression. What’s more, wood can be effortlessly combined with other building materials, resulting in fascinating contrasts and harmonious compositions. Whether combined with metal, glass or stone, wood gives artworks a unique texture and depth that makes them true masterpieces.

Stable elegance


Our brand


What is it like to reconnect with nature and home?